
CARTOisnowpartoftheGithubStudentDeveloperPack!Empoweringstudentdeveloperswithcutting-edgelocationintelligencetools.,2024年1月12日—CartoCSS(short:Carto)isalanguageformapdesign.ItissimilarinsyntaxtoCSS,butbuildsuponitwithspecificabilitiestofilter ...,ThisrepositorycontainstheDockerComposeconfigurationforCARTOself-hostedusedtodeployCARTOinDockerenvironments.,CARTOhascreatedtheseguides,basedonreal...

CARTO is now part of the Github Student Developer Pack!

CARTO is now part of the Github Student Developer Pack! Empowering student developers with cutting-edge location intelligence tools.

mapboxcarto: fast CSS

2024年1月12日 — CartoCSS (short: Carto) is a language for map design. It is similar in syntax to CSS, but builds upon it with specific abilities to filter ...

Deploy CARTO in a self hosted environment

This repository contains the Docker Compose configuration for CARTO self-hosted used to deploy CARTO in Docker environments.


CARTO has created these guides, based on real use cases, to help you design your solution and understand how the different pieces of CARTO platform work ...

gravitystormopenstreetmap-carto: A general

These are the CartoCSS map stylesheets for the Standard map layer on The general purpose, the cartographic design goals and guidelines ...

carto · GitHub Topics

A set of UDFs and Procedures to extend BigQuery, Snowflake, Redshift, Postgres and Databricks with Spatial Analytics capabilities.


The leading platform for Location Intelligence and Spatial Data Science - CARTO.


CARTO is an open, powerful, and intuitive platform for discovering and predicting the key insights underlying the location data in our world. Empower ...

CARTO for React packages

This is the official CARTO for React library. It is organized as a set of npm packages ( @carto/react-* ), that work together providing widgets and ...


The CARTO Analytics Toolbox is a set of UDFs and Stored Procedures to unlock Spatial Analytics. It is organized into modules based on the functionality they ...